Retail Resources

  • Introductory HACCP
    •  An introduction to Hazard, Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) designed for food safety professionals, quality assurance team members, regulatory agency officials, and academic instructors with a specialty in food processing operations.

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  • Better Process Control School: 
    • The Better Process Control School (BPCS), offered by The Ohio State University's Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center, is required by FDA and USDA-FSIS for processors of low-acid and acidified foods. These processors must operate with a certified individual on-site at all times during processing. Upon successful completion of this four-day certificate course, supervisors of thermal processing systems, acidified food operations, and container closure evaluation programs will be qualified to meet U.S. regulatory requirements. Additionally, BPCS is an excellent food safety training for processing and quality assurance supervisors, academics, auditors and inspectors working with low-acid and acidified foods.

The Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center's (FIC) Faculty and Personnel

  • Advanced CIP (Clean-in-place)
    • This course is a great training for personnel who are new to the CIP technology or for those who might need to refresh or increase their knowledge, get updates, review the chemistry and microbiology principles, and what is new on CIP systems including piping, valves, regulations, and tools of verification.

  • Cleaning and Sanitation Basics
    • This one-day short-course is an introduction to cleaning and sanitation in food and dairy processing operations. This course combines live lectures and demonstrations from our pilot plant facilities. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and ask questions throughout the course.