Food Safety Fact Sheets

Food Safety Fact Sheets can be found on Ohioline | Ohio State University Extension. Ohioline is an information resource produced by Ohio State University Extension. Through Ohioline, you have access to hundreds of OSU Extension fact sheets covering a wide array of subjects such as agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, community development, and 4-H youth development.

Below you will find a collection of food safety-specific fact sheets for your ease in browsing:

Title (Click to Sort) Factsheet Number Tags
Hepatitis E: A Foodborne Zoonotic Threat in the U.S. and Abroad AS-1020

virusfood safetyhevmeat safetyfoodbornezoonosishepatitis e

viral hepatitisswine

Mold Has Grown on Your Food: What Should You Do? HYG-5592 food safetymoldmold growth on foodmold on canned foodmold growth on vegetablesmold on hard cheeseshard meatsand vegetablesmold on beverages
Backyard Grilling: Food Safety Practices to Keep on the Front Burner HYG-5590 food safetygrillingcookingfamily gatherings
Selling Eggs in Ohio: Marketing and Regulations ANR-59 direct marketingeggschickensregulationsfood safetyselling eggs in ohiochoosing chicken breedspoultry breeds
Food Safety in Gardens HYG-1153 food safetygardenreduce contaminationtool sanitationdrip irrigationtrickle irrigationanimal compostsoil amendmentsorganic gardeningreduce stressimprove health
Food Safety and Garden Flooding HYG-1154 food safetyfloodinggardenfloodwaterheavy rainvomitingstomach crampsdiarrheahuman pathogensfoodborne pathogensnorovirussalmonellapathogenic e. colihepatitis agiardiacryptosporidium
Understanding Genetically Modified Foods HYG-5058 genetically modified organismgmos
Bacillus cereus: A Foodborne Illness Confused with the 24-hour Flu HYG-5576

home, yard and gardenfood safetybacillus cereus

a foodborne illness confused with the 24-hour flu

Listeria monocytogenes: A Concern for Pregnant Women and Older Adults HYG-5562

food safetyillnessrawpoultrymeatseafoodbacterialisteriosisfeverfatigue

nauseavomitingdiarrheacontaminated foodlisteria symptomsinfection

Keeping Baby Formula Safe MOB-3 babiesfood safetybaby formulababy bottlestoring formulareheating formula
Rotavirus: A Concern for Infants and Young Children HYG-5580 food safetyrotavirusdiarrheavomitingfeverhuman fecal pathogenfoodbornepathogen
Hepatitis A: A Virus that Causes Foodborne Illness HYG-5579 food safetyillnesshepatitis avirushuman fecesinfectious diseasepathogenfeverchronic diseaseliver inflammationfatigueanorexiaabdominal pain
Foodborne Illness: Guess Who Came to Dinner? HYG-5570 food safetyillness
Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness HYG-5569 food safetyillnessnorovirusespathogensnauseavomitingdiarrheaviral gastroenteritisacute nonbacterialfood poisoningfoodborne infection
Shiga-Toxin Escherichia coli: What You Should Know About this Group of Foodborne Pathogens HYG-5561 food safetye coli bacteriashiga toxinpathogenthrombotic thrombocytopenic purpurabloody diarrheapreventioncontrol methodscontrolling pathogensfood temperatureshiga-toxin escherichia colistec.
Staphylococcus aureus: A Problem When Food Is Left Out Too Long HYG-5564 food safetyfoodborne illnesstoxins in foodstaphylococcus aureusfood is left out too longfood poisoningcontrolling pathogens at homefood temperaturenauseaabdominal cramps
Botulism: What You Don't See or Smell Can Still Hurt You HYG-5567 home, yard and gardenfood safetybotulismfood poisoningclostridium botuliniumfood contaminationanaerobic plantconstipationmuscle weaknesshome-canned foods
Yersinia Enterocolitica: A Rare but Important Food Safety Concern for Young Children and Immune-compromised Individuals HYG-5574 food safetyillnessyersinia enterocoliticafood borne illnesseating contaminated foodgastroenteritis with vomiting or diarrheaabdomen painfeversafe meat and poultrybacteria on food
Vibrio Species: Foodborne Illness and Seafood HYG-5575 food safetyfoodborne illnessrawundercookedseafoodvibrio vulnificusinfectionvibrio choleracontaminationsymptomsdiarrheabacteriacrampsnauseavomitingheadachefeverchills
Food Safety for Fruits and Vegetables ANR-25 food safetyprotecting fruits and vegetablesbacterial pathogensfoodborne and waterborne illnessmicrobial pathogens in watermanure managementharvest lanes for horsesprotocols for preventing foodborne illnessfarming hygienefarm sanitation practicesgood agricultural practicesmicrobial contamination of fruits and vegetables