Continuing Education


The Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center offers training courses for employees and personnel of companies and entrepreneurs within Ohio, parties located in close proximity to the state, and nationally. Customized courses can be held for companies on-site by request. Selected courses such as the Better Process Control School, Food Safety and GMPs are offered in Spanish. Contact Program Coordinator Heather Bell at for additional registration details. Please confer with your institution regarding their Professional CEU criterion, to determine whether the selected course is eligible for the receival of Professional CEUs upon successful completion. As well as any supplementary materials your establishment may require for verification and approval.

Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center

Course Name

Course Type


Training Length

Course Fee


Better Process Control School Online (synchronous) The Better Process Control School (BPCS), offered by The Ohio State University's Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center, is required by FDA and USDA-FSIS for processors of low-acid and acidified foods. BPCS is an excellent food safety training with enrollment open to processing and quality assurance supervisors, academics, auditors, and inspectors working with low-acid and acidified foods. 4 days Yes Certification
Better Process Control School Acidified Foods In-person (OSU Campus) The Better Process Control School Acidified Foods course of The Wilbur A. Gould Food Industries Center is an FDA, USDA, and FSIS required course. Enrollment open to processors of acidified foods, and anyone in the food industry that is involved with processing shelf-stable foods in glass containers and closure evaluation. This can include acidified food processors, operating supervisors, and food plant personnel. 2 days N/A Certification
Dairy and Juice HACCP In-person (4-H Center on OSU Campus) The training program is centered around dairy and juice HACCP following the guidelines of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance voluntary HACCP and FDA HACCP for 100% juice products. The course has been accredited by the International HACCP Alliance and is taught by instructors who have Alliance accreditation as lead instructors. You will receive guidance on building and strengthening existing HACCP programs, developing a hazard analysis, and the importance of integrating a food safety program into your total plant and company quality programs. 2 days Yes N/A
FSPCA - Preventive Controls for Human Food Training Online (synchronous) This online three-day course uses an FDA-recognized and standardized curriculum that gives participants an overview of the concepts of how to create a Food Safety Plan to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods rule. This workshop meets FDA requirements for FSMA training. 3 days Yes Certification
Infant Feeding Technician Certificate Course Online (asynchronous)

In order to achieve a high level of Infant Feeding Technician confidence and performance, reduce errors, and assure the safe preparation and handling of infant formula and human milk, this 20 CE hour, on-demand, online certificate program was developed, based on the guidelines detailed in the third edition of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Infant and Pediatric Feedings. 

This asynchronous program was specifically designed for NICU Infant Feeding Technicians but is also an attractive resource for dietetic technicians, registered (DTRs), and other healthcare professionals responsible for the preparation of human milk and formula feedings in all pediatric units.

Self-paced Yes 20.0 RN CE or RD CPEU
Introductory Food Science and Technology Certificate Program Online (asynchronous) This online, on-demand, 3-course introductory level certificate program provides an overview of food components and nutrition, food manufacturing, and food safety. The purpose of this program is to provide food industry professionals, who have not received a formal education in the field, with knowledge of the essential elements of food science and technology. Completion of this introductory program will provide each participant with a firm foundation of food science knowledge to be immediately applied in their current position. Self-paced Yes 4-5 OSU CEUs or Certificate
Introductory HACCP Workshop Online (synchronous) This online, two-day workshop is an introduction to Hazard, Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) designed for food safety professionals, quality assurance team members, regulatory agency officials, and academic instructors with a specialty in food processing operations. 2 days Yes Accreditation


Ohio State's Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program educates growers of fresh produce about Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) - Fresh Produce Safety Rules. Small group courses can be adjusted to meet the needs of the organization. Please confer with your institution regarding their Professional CEU criterion, to determine whether the selected course is eligible for the receival of Professional CEUs upon successful completion. As well as any supplementary materials your establishment may require for verification and approval.

Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program

Course Name

Course Type


Training Length

Course Fee


Food Safety Plan Writing Workshop N/A Food Safety Plan writing workshops assist growers with preparing an on-farm food safety plan. Participants work in groups of four with an OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety team member to write a food safety plan specific to their farm and farming practices. The goal of this workshop is for every participant to leave with a completed and printed food safety plan. For more information on the workshops please contact Drs. Melanie Lewis Ivey or Sanja Ilic. N/A N/A N/A
Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) for Human Food Training N/A The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences offers FDA-recognized and standardized curriculum that gives participants an overview of the concepts of how to create a Food Safety Plan to comply with the Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Foods Rule. Please contact Dr. Valente B. Alvarez (614-292-7004)Director of the Food Innovation Center and Professor of the Department of Food Science and Technology or Chuck Yarris (630-717-1110 ext. 2003)Quality and Food Safety Director, Quality Chekd for more information on the course, including course availability. N/A N/A N/A
Fresh Produce Safety Training Programs In-person (personal location choice) GAPs training programs at OSU provide growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement on-farm best management practices to reduce fresh produce safety hazards and ensure that their product is safe. Basic GAPs trainings are conducted by OSU Fresh Produce Safety Team members. If you have a group of growers (>10) who are interested in participating in a GAPs training during a specific month or at a specific location please contact a Produce Safety Team member or your County Extension Office to request a training. 3 hours Yes Certificate
Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Grower Training Course In-person (various Ohio locations)

The Ohio Department of Agriculture provides the PSA Grower Training course at no cost to Ohio growers through a FDA CAPs grant. For more information on the course, including course availability please contact Matt Fout (614-600-4272;, Produce and Food Safety Supervisor, ODA Food Safety Division-Fresh Produce. Additional information on the PSA can be found at the PSA website.

Enrollment open to Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), and co-management of natural resources and food safety.
N/A No N/A


Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences professionals offer a variety of food safety programs throughout the state, including ServSafe®, Occasional Quantity Cooks, Employee Food Safety Training, Pathway to Food Safety, and Home Food Preservation. All those seeking level 2 food certification training, should consider the TAP series. Course offerings vary based on the county. Please confer with your institution regarding their Professional CEU criterion, to determine whether the selected course is eligible for the receival of Professional CEUs upon successful completion. As well as any supplementary materials your establishment may require for verification and approval.

Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences

Course Name

Course Type


Training Length

Course Fee


Training Achievement Program (TAP) Online (asynchronous)

The Training Achievement Program (TAP) offers an online alternative to our traditional in-person food safety classes. Enrollment open to owners, managers, and/or workers in a food-service establishment that requires Level II certification in food safety training by the Ohio Department of Health. Offered in Spanish and English.

To learn more about TAP, how to register, and upcoming exam dates near you, contact Kate Shumaker (

Self-paced N/A Certification


At the Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention (CFI), we offer a unique series of Free Self-paced Online Classes all about risk. Whether that be risk awareness in decision-making systems, the process of risk assessment, risk ranking, or the principles of risk management. Please confer with your institution regarding their Professional CEU criterion, to determine whether the selected course is eligible for the receival of Professional CEUs upon successful completion. As well as any supplementary materials your establishment may require for verification and approval.

Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention

Course Name

Course Type


Training Length

Course Fee


Risk-Based Decision Making
Online (asynchronous) This course will bring an awareness to the viewers of what it means to have a risk-based decision making system. It will introduce viewers to the normative elements of decision making, and will explain how “risk” fits into that structure. Viewers will recognize the role of risk assessment, risk management, and risk ranking in a risk-based decision making system. Viewers will understand the role of data and analysis in driving a risk-based decision making system.


No N/A
Risk Assessment for Food Safety Online (asynchronous) This course will provide an overview of the purpose and approaches to risk assessment, and will provide a description of each step in the risk assessment process. The four steps are: Hazard Identification, Exposure Assessment, Hazard Characterization and Risk Characterization. Learners will gain an understanding on what types of information can be generated from a risk assessment. Self-paced No N/A
Risk Management for Food Safety Online (asynchronous) This course will provide course participants insight into Risk Management as part of the framework of Risk Analysis in the context of food safety. Key aspects of Risk Management covered in separate modules include: Roles and responsibilities of risk managers, Risk Management principles, and the use of Risk Assessment in Risk Management. Course participants will also be familiarized with the Risk Management process and typical Risk Management activities and options for mitigating food safety risks. Self-paced No N/A