Food Safety Graduate Courses

Please check individual course offerings, as all courses may not be available every semester.

Animal Science

Course Number

Course Name




Food Animal Production and Processing Industry Tour


Includes travel to food animal production and processing facilities for students to gain first hand knowledge in commercial food animal production and processing. Prereq: 3110 or MeatSci 3110. Cross-listed in MeatSci.

ANIMSCI 7000 Applied Biometrics  4.0 The study methods used in the quantification of biological processes and the integration of research results and knowledge into quantitative methods. Prereq: Stat 5301 or equiv, or permission of instructor. While subject to change, this class is offered every Spring semester.


Comprehensive Approach to Food Safety


A comprehensive overview of food safety challenges and solutions as experienced through the food chain from farm to consumers. Demonstration of food safety system from cellular aspects though public policy. Prereq: Micrbiol 509 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 830.10, FdScTe 8834 (830.10), or HumnNtr 8834 (830.10). Cross-listed in FdScTe and HumnNtr.

Food Science and Technology

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Food Quality Assurance


Provides students with a knowledge of quality assurance concepts and procedures and tools for establishing quality control programs to produce high quality safe foods. Prereq: 2400 and Stat 1430 or 1450 or equiv., or Grad standing. While it is subject to change, this course is offered every Autumn semester.


Food Laws and Regulations


Major food laws/regulations, food regulatory agencies, good manufacturing practices, HACCP, ingredients, labeling regulations, adulteration and misbranding, compliance/investigations/enforcements, crisis management, recall, Ohio State food laws. Prereq: 2400 (401), or Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 640. While subject to change, this class is offered every Spring semester.


Food Microbiology Lecture


Microbiology as applied to food. Students learn about microorganisms that spoil food or cause food-transmitted diseases, as well as beneficial microorganisms. Control of harmful microorganisms in food is discussed. Prereq: Micrbio 4000 (Micrbiol 509) or 4100 (520), or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 636.01 or Micrbio 5536 (Micrbiol 636.01). Cross-listed in Micrbio. While subject to change, this class is offered every Autumn semester.


Food Microbiology Laboratory


Microbiological analyses as applied to food. Students learn how to detect and quantify microorganisms that spoil food or cause food-transmitted diseases, as well as beneficial microorganisms. Prereq: 5536 (636.01) or Micrbio 5536, or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 636.02 or Micrbio 5546 (636.02). Cross-listed in Micrbio. While subject to change, this class is offered every Spring semester.


Global Health and Environmental Microbiology


Fundamentals and emerging issues of health significant microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa) from water, air, soil and food, and their sources, transmission routes, treatments, detection methods and study tools. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for PubHEHS 730. Cross-listed in PubHEHS. While subject to change, this class is offered every Autumn semester.


Study Design and Quantitative Methods for Food Science


This graduate-level course is designed to introduce students to research study design and data analytic methods commonly used in food science. Since study planning is critical to the success of any research project, this course will focus primarily on appropriate study design. Prereq: Stat 1450, 1550, or 2450; or permission of instructor. While subject to change, this class is offered every Spring semester.


Water Contamination: Sources and Health Impact


Understanding the sources, the transport mechanisms and the fate of microbial and chemical contaminants, their exposure risks, tracking methods, linking to other environmental matrices and their public health impacts. Cross-listed in PubHlth 7360. While subject to change, this class is offered every Autumn semester.


Interdisciplinary Colloquium in Food Safety


Weekly graduate seminar on current and emerging topics in food safety. Presentations from OSU faculty and invited external experts from industry, academia and government. The course is designed to expose graduate students to the wide range of topics and expertise needed to address food safety. Students will learn the role of the public sector in ensuring food safety. Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U. Cross-listed in VetPrev. While subject to change, this class is offered every Autumn and Spring semester.

Public Affairs

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Course Name




US Food Policy


An examination of national food affairs; the policy and practice of food. The approach is to introduce institutions, tools and topics. The numerous federal public and private agencies such as the FDA, USDA, CDC and others are described. Common policy tools such as information-based, process versus performance standards, and interactions with market-based public-private partnerships will be placed within their motivating theory and discussed in a supply-chain context. Attention will focus on contemporary policy issues including; food insecurity, health claims, taxes and obesity, novel ingredients and processing techniques, access, sustainability, corporate consolidation, food advertising, and foodborne illness.


Wicked Policy Problems


Elective course examines "wicked" policy problems, or policy problems that require attention to multiple causal factors (e.g. economic, financial, political, social, cultural, technological).

Public Health

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Design and Analysis of Studies in the Health Sciences II


A second course in applied biostatistical methods with an emphasis on regression methods commonly used in the health sciences. The focus is on linear regression and ANOVA. Integrated with use of computer statistical packages. Prereq: A grade of B- or above in PubHBio 6210 or PubHlth 6001, or permission of instructor.


Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis Modeling


The environments we inhabit present to us a suite of hazards with which our health can be affected. Pathogens make up a significant portion of these hazards and account for multiple millions of dollars in healthcare costs each year. Engineering controls are designed to remove pathogens and have developed large international industries to design and build these technologies. Microbial risk modeling and more specifically quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) have been codified in law as a means of targeting and optimizing treatment methods and options. QMRA as a science is a coupling of public health, engineering, microbiology and mathematics (figure 1). This course will outline the fundamental sciences and their application in microbial risk modeling. Students will engage in lectures and project-based learning culminating in a functioning microbial risk model. It is preferable that the model can be used as a component of the graduate student’s research or as a means of significantly improving the understanding of the research data the student has developed. Students will learn the microbiology necessary for hazard identification, mathematics of exposure and dose response modeling, and the mathematics, statistics and coding for risk characterization/management. Prereq: graduate level statistics or permission of instructor.


Outbreak Investigations


Principles and practice of field epidemiology, including outbreak investigation and disease surveillance. Prereq: 2410, or Grad Standing, or permission of instructor.


Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases


Provides students with the knowledge and skills to study disease outbreaks in humans and animals using molecular biology techniques. Recommended basic knowledge of infectious diseases and molecular biology. Prereq: permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for VetPrev 700 or 724.

Veterinary Medicine

Course Number

Course Name




Introduction to Zoonoses


This course is focused on providing an overview of the basic characteristics of common and emerging diseases that are shared between humans and animals; these diseases are defined as zoonotic. Prereq: AnimSci 3170, 3270, or Micrbio 4000, or equiv., or permission of instructor. Add Consent: Instructor Consent Required. Drop Consent: Instructor Consent Required.


Epidemiology of Zoonotic Diseases


Basic epidemiology of important zoonotic diseases, focusing on their etiology and epidemiology. Common manifestations in humans and animals, diagnostic procedures, and specific preventive and control measures. Prereq: 2nd, 3rd, or 4th yr standing in Veterinary Medicine program. Not open to students with credit for 721. Class Notes: Columbus campus, VetMed students only. Add Consent: Department Consent Required.


Foodborne Diseases, Food Animal Production Systems, and Food Safety


Overview of how the food chain for the most common products of animal origin works, with special emphasis in pre-harvest safety, describes most common food-borne bacterial and viral diseases, antimicrobial resistance, HACCP. Prereq: Grad standing or enrollment in Veterinary Medicine Program. Not open to students with credit for 722.


Biosecurity, Emergency Response & Outbreak Investigation


An overview of biosecurity, with special emphasis on bioterrorism, preparedness, emergency response, risk assessment, and management of zoonotic and foreign animal disease outbreaks. Regulations and regulatory agencies will also be presented.Prereq: 1st (second semester), 2nd, or 3rd yr standing in Veterinary Medicine program, or Grad standing.


Contemporary Issues in Animal Welfare


Give students the opportunity to explore current issues in animal welfare through reading, presentations and discussion.Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 724.01. Cross-listed in AnimSci.


Applied Veterinary Data Analysis


Application of statistical methods and procedures that are introduced in the basic biostatistics courses offered by CPH; structure of the course will be interactive in a laboratory setting for veterinary public health science students.Prereq: PubHBio 6210.


Modeling Transmission and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals


Infectious disease modeling is a methodology used to study transmission dynamics in humans and animals and simulate disease control programs. This course provides an introduction to applied infectious disease modeling suitable for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, health professional students, and health professionals. Prereq: 1st (second semester), 2nd, 3rd, or 4th yr standing in Veterinary Medicine Program, or Grad standing. Cross-listed in PubHEHS 5345.